
Triple Threat Elite and Top Threat Tournaments are looking for a Marketing Intern who has a passion for social media and digital creation to join our lacrosse family for Summer 2022.

This role will report to our Director of Marketing and Event Operations. Position responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:

  • Drive social media creation for the company, managing both Triple Threat Elite and Top Threat Tournaments’ channels following the social media calendar
  • Capture photos and videos of Triple Threat Elite teams, summer camps, and Top Threat Tournaments’ Northeast events
  • Produce videos and reels to be used for social media and marketing campaigns
  • Assist with other marketing and event operation tasks as assigned by the Director of Marketing and Event Operations

Candidates should:

  • Have a passion for content creation and social media
  • Have experience shooting/editing photo and video content for social use
  • Be up to date on the latest Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media trends
  • An interest in sports, preferably lacrosse, but not required
  • Experience with Google file management platforms
  • Interest in event operations is a plus

Interested applicants should email Blaire Cahana at blaire@triplethreatelitesports.com. T3 Lacrosse and Triple Threat Elite alumni are encouraged to apply.

Table of Contents

  1. A Note from Leadership
  2. General Health Guidelines
  3. Return to Play Overview
  4. Return to Play Responsibilities
  5. Club
  6. Coach
  7. Parent
  8. Player
  9. Return to Play Check List
  10. Triple Threat Elite Rules for A Safe Socially Distanced Practice
  11. Acknowledgment of Return to Play Waiver 

A Note from Leadership

The health and safety of our athletes, coaches and parents, is and will continue to be our top priority. We have set forth these guidelines to create the safest environment possible for the Triple Threat Lacrosse Community. We will continue to adapt these guidelines as new information is provided to us by national, state and local authorities, as well as CDC and US Lacrosse guidelines.

We strongly advise all members of our community to follow CDC and government guidelines regarding good hygiene, including frequent hand washing. In addition, we recommend that you not only practice social distancing on the field, but off the field as well where possible. These measures are imperative to a successful return to play and will allow us to continue to provide a place for all Triple Threat Elite athletes to reach their full potential and grow in the sport of lacrosse. We look forward to a safe and successful return to play very soon!

Lori Brown
Triple Threat Elite Lacrosse Director

General Health Guidelines


Triple Threat Elite Return to Play Overview

Within this document you will find information geared to Triple Threat Elite return to play guidelines. 

Guidelines follow state and CDC recommendations, specific questions should be directed to health care specialists. These guidelines do not override any medical professional guidance received or other state and local health requirements.  

Our top priority in creating a return-to-play plan is enabling players, families, and coaches to get back on the field in a safe and healthy environment that promotes good habits. The health and safety of our players will continue to be our number one priority.  

We want our players, families and coaches to feel confident in returning to play. Anyone who is not ready to return to the fields should wait until they do feel ready, without penalty or repercussions. If you are not confident to return. Don’t.  

This is an ever-evolving environment and plans could change as a result of new information. We are all very excited to see our players return to the field and we know they are just as ready, but it is extremely important that these guidelines are adhered to by all. Our current return to training activity start is June 22nd, 2020.   

*Please click the link below to find the return to play principles set forth by US Lacrosse


 Return to Play Responsibilities

Each of us have responsibilities upon returning to the field. The club, parents, players and the coaches. Please help us make the new normal as easy of a transition as possible.





 Responsibilities Regarding Injuries

The potential reaction to a player getting injured is more complicated during the COVID-19 pandemic. The immediate safety of the player must remain top priority, but care should be taken when addressing small injuries (e.g. handing out band-aids). When possible, a parent/guardian should assist in any care necessary.

Rules for A Safe Socially Distanced Practice

48 hours prior to practices starting: *All athletes, staff members and adults dropping off/picking up must certify the following:

  1. They have not had a fever or other COVID-19 symptoms over the previous 2 week period.
  2. They have not tested positive for COVID-19 over the previous 2 week period.
    1. If they have tested positive during that time, they must produce two consecutive negative tests in a 48-hour period to attend practice.
  3. They have not been exposed to someone who has COVID-19.
  4. All athletes and parents must sign a waiver that they are aware of COVID-19 and understand our current situation.
  5. All athletes and parents must agree to follow our safety policies and guidance for attending our practices, outlining our safety protocols.

Pre-Practice Checklist

Rules for A Safe Socially Distanced Practice

At Practice: *At the first practice, athletes, staff and adults must re-certify all of the same certifications of 1, 2, 3, and 4 in the 48-hour check list. 

  1. If an athlete presents with a temperature of 100.4 or above, they will not be permitted to participate in that day’s training.  Players that have the symptoms of potential COVID-19 infection, including: fever, cough, shortness of breath, chills, muscle pain, new loss of taste or smell, vomiting or diarrhea, and/or sore throat will not be permitted.
  2.  Athletes will be verbally advised of the COVID-19 Rules by their coaches.
  3. Training groups during practices will be 25 or fewer athletes including coaches.
  4. Training groups will be spread throughout the fields, so as not to come in contact with other groups.
  5. No more than 60 players may be on one large playing field at a time during practices, in groups of 25 including coaches. 
  6. Players will remain 6 feet apart when standing in lines or groups for instruction (stick and arms length away).
  7. The groups will have the same coaches during each activity and will not mix with other groups.
  8. No contact drills will be done until Government guidelines permit.
  9.  We will focus on drills that do not feature tight spaces
  10. No large meetings will be held on or off the field. Groups will be advised separately.
  11. Staff will sanitize all equipment before and after sessions to include balls, goals, and any other equipment used.
  12. Practices will be spectator free until Government guidelines permit.  When spectators are allowed they must social distance and wear masks.
  13. Parents may pick up and drop off their children while following physical distancing guidelines.
  14. We will not be providing water – players will bring their own water and not share.
  15. Players must have a mask for social settings.  They do not have to wear the mask while playing.

Triple Threat Elite Rules for A Safe Socially Distanced Practice

Additional Guidelines: